How to remove mould and limescale from washing machine with £1 game-changing item

Washing machines need to be cleaned on a regular basis for them to properly wash laundry.

Washing machines are one of the most neglected appliances and can quickly gather nasty odours if not regularly cleaned.

This not only means your clothes aren’t as fresh as they should be after they’ve been washed, but this could also negatively impact the lifespan of your machine.

Two of the most common issues households face with their washing machine are the growth of mould and the build-up of limescale.

Instead of having to buy certain products dedicated to targeting each issue, cleaning enthusiasts have shared a cheap product that can tackle them both and clean your entire appliance.

Taking to the Mrs Hinch Army Cleaning tips, one woman asked for advice on how to remove mould from her washing machine.

Sharing a picture of mould taking over her washing machine seal, Charlene Mclaren said: “What’s best to use on the washing machine for mould?”

While some group members suggested using a mould spray, others suggested a better alternative – soda crystals.

Poulton Lucy said: “I use soda crystals in the machine on a 90-degree wash and it cleans everywhere.”

Sue Clarke insisted: “Soda crystals in every other wash will tackle the mould and even limescale. Wipe out the drawer and seal after every wash.”

Carlyne McHugh suggested: “Soda crystals packed between rubber and a mug’s worth thrown into the drum. Then set the machine on an empty hot wash, at least 60 degrees.

“My washing machine had really bad mould and limescale in the seal and drawer and soda crystals were game-changing. The stuff vanished in one hour on the hot cycle.”

Cleaning experts at Dri Pak recommend using 500g of soda crystals in the main drum to “eliminate” mould and limescale in just one cycle.

However, they claimed that for those who haven’t cleaned their washing machine in a long time, a second cycle may be required

A 2kg bag of soda crystals retails for £2 in Sainsbury’s. As only 500g of the product needs to be used at one time, this cleaning tip works out to £1.

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